Things that make you go hmmmm…

Yesterday the Washington Blade published a survey of salaries of 30 LGBT organizations.  As we’ve seen with recent Wall Street bonuses, compensation packages are a funny thing, and it’s no different in the non-profit world than it is anywhere else.  People are getting rich off the movement.  That’s no surprise.  The surprise is who is getting the richest. 

shniderman-craig1Craig Shniderman, executive director of Food & Friends, which provides meals to people in the Washington, D.C. area living with terminal illnesses like HIV/AIDS is getting richer than anyone else surveyed.  His compensation package:  $382,200!   



The President of the United States only makes $17,800 more ($400,000)! 



Joe Solmonese, President of the Human Rights Campaign was paid $338,400 in 2008. 




By comparison, Kim Gandy, the President of the National Organization of Women only made $176,000. 


lorrijean150wLorri Jean, CEO of the LA LGBT Center and co-chair of the failed No On 8 Campaign made $327,000. 




The Governor of California, the highest paid governor,  only makes $206,700 (though Arnold waives his salary).


Food for thought.    


One Response to “Things that make you go hmmmm…”

  1. I guess LGBT has really become mainstream….

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